Surfing the blogs/Youth Library Names?
Since discovering blogs exactly 2 days ago, I have spent many hours surfing blogs looking for like-minded librarian blogs, and have not been disappointed. Particularly like "Rambling Librarian" from Singapore. He really seems to share my philosophy of the public library's role of connecting people to people and people to ideas. I'm sure there are many more in the blogosphere. I have found a couple of youth/YA/teen librarian blogs I'll be keeping an eye on as our library is about to embark on a stand alone, main street Youth Library. (Our main challenge at the moment is nailing a name - as the facility is a collaboration between the Council's Youth Services and Library Services we have agreed not to use the word "library" in the title as it is thought this might turn some young people off. However, to young people who know and love libraries, they will obviously see that it is indeed a library, albeit very different from the main library. The name is critical to our branding and interior decoration.We are canvassing young people for a suitable name so have high hopes of something soon.)
Will keep surfing the blogs til I get the hang of them...figuring out how to post comments, atract readers and link to blogs I like...
Will keep surfing the blogs til I get the hang of them...figuring out how to post comments, atract readers and link to blogs I like...
Hello again. The Help section in Blogger has lots of useful stuff on how to configure your blog template further, like adding HTML links. I've compiled a summary that you might find useful: 10 Points on Blogs & RSS. I'm by no means an expert though. Just happy to share, especially with fellow librarians. Feel free to email me at ~ RamblingLibrarian
Ivan Chew, at 7:27 AM
Thanks Ivan. I've figured out how to get notification of new posts through Bloglines but the rest is still a mystery. Won't bug you until directly until I've done some research. Thanks for being my first commentator!
Deb, at 8:00 PM
Being the good librarian, I'm sure you'll do your research first. But being the librarian, I'd say, "No problem, bug away!" :)
Happy exploring. BTW, you've got your "personal voice" to your posts. You're on the right track!
Ivan Chew, at 2:12 AM
I just bookmarked your blog. I will try to post often.
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Keep in touch :)
Anonymous, at 4:53 AM
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Keep up your effort ~ and good job.
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